Cold showers & beautiful skin…
Cold showers make you breathe deeply which makes your lungs and large intestine work better. This in turn helps your body to eliminate.
Rub your body with seaweed if you're in the ocean or use a body brush with bristles under a cold shower. This promotes circulation into the stagnant areas of your body and helps your lungs and large intestine to function better, leaving your skin to glow.
Cold showers are fantastic for regulating your tripple heater, chronic asthma, lung conditions, chronic fatigue, and IBS.
This is best in winter when the water is really cold. To build up to it you can start earlier in the season! The colder the better.
This not only closes the pores of your skin but gets your triple heater going too. Also your breath instantly goes straight to your belly, so fab for someone suffering from asthma.
Now, that will wake you up. Get your breath in your belly & feel like you’re really ready to start the day!
To finish off rub macadamia oil into your skin.
If you are lucky enough to live near the sea… jump in! Fantastic for your physical & mental health!
Give it a go…