Gomasio is such a wonderful garnish to your meals. If you think of it like parsley, scattering it on top of your soups, vegetables and grains. It not only adds interest to your food to look at but the nuttiness of the toasted sesame seeds & the sea salt actually draws out the flavours of your food.
Sesame seeds contain a staggering amount of calcium and phosphorus giving them great healing properties. Gomasio helps to cleanse and strengthen the blood. It is also fantastic for the development & bone formation & nervous system qualities. The lecithin in sesame seeds aids in dissolving cholesterol build up on the walls of our blood vessels. Gomasio accelerates the de-acidification of the digestive tract and helps to heal anaemia, multiple sclerosis and the inflammatory disorders that are due to an acidic diet.
Sesame seeds have to be kept air tight otherwise they lose their medicinal qualities. Always hunt out the suppliers who have the freshest sesame seeds. The sea salt to sesame seeds ratio varies on season & the age & well being of the individual. When you make your Gomasio only make a sufficient amount to last you the week.
COOKING TIME: 5 mins | SERVING: lots!
20 teaspoons organic sesame seeds
1 tsp Olson Sea Salt Salt
Dry roast sesame seeds in a heavy frying pan until golden and place into your pestle and mortar.
Heat sea salt in frying pan.
Add salt to sesame seeds and grind in a mortar and pestle – keep 1/5 of the seeds whole.
Store in a glass jar and do not refrigerate.
If you get tired later in the afternoon & you need a wee pick me up, try a Gomashio Tea. This literally gets rid of fatigue & gets you through that fatigue that can hit you later in the day.
Gomashio Tea:
Add 1 teaspoon Gomashio to
1 x cup of hot water